

We offer the following sponsoring opportunities. If you are interested, please contect us

Platinum & Gold sponsorships

150,000 NOK

100,000 NOK

Acknowledgement of the company support on screen at the opening, closing sessions and between sessions  X X
Company rollups or beachflags next to the main stage and in the mingling area X X
Company logo in the conference website   X X
Company logo printed on programme announcements  X  
Insertion of commercial leaflet in the conference bag X  
Complimentary registrations 2 1
Complimentary conference dinner invitations 2 1
Exhibition space Table, 2 chairs, white tablecloth, electricity and WiFi. Also space for rollup. Table, 2 chairs, white tablecloth, electricity and WiFi. Also space for rollup.
*1 NOK ~ 0.085 EURO


Industry symposia & special session sponsorship
Industry symposia of 1-hour sessions with company selected speakers 50,000 NOK
Special session sponsorship (company banner and company acknowledgement) 25,000 NOK


Individual sponsorship opportunities
Banquet dinner
Opportunities for 4 individual sponsors
Acknowledgment during announcement Banquet dinner
Company logo on the symposium website (as Banquet dinner sponsor)
1 conference ticket
80,000 NOK
Lunch & coffee breaks (per day)
Opportunities for 2 individual sponsors
Acknowledgment during lunch announcement
Company logo on the symposium website (as conference lunch sponsor)
1 conference ticket
 70,000 NOK
Icebreaker  Sponsored by Oslo City Council
Sponsor of reception, canapé for 250 persons in the City Hall 
90,000 NOK

Floor plan

The conference will be held in the Scandinavian Ballroom, and the exhibition will be in the foyer.