IS0: General (session will be assigned by organizer)
IS1: Modelling spatial variability in geotechnical engineering Jinsong Huang, Shuihua Jiang, Jiawei Xie, D. Vaughan Griffiths, Emir A. Oguz
IS2: Spatial variability assessment for engineering design and geohazard mapping Giovanna Vessia, Wojciech Puła, Diego Di Curzio, Marcin Chwała, Joanna Pieczyńska-Kozłowska
IS3: Machine learning-enhanced geotechnical safety and risk assessment Wengang Zhang, Liang Han, Lin Wang
IS4: Machine Learning, Data, and Physics in Geotechnics Ze Zhou Wang, Pin Zhang, Robert B. Gilbert
IS5: Integration of Continuous Monitoring and Digital Twins with Artificial Intelligence in Geotechnical Engineering Manuel Parente, Joaquim Tinoco, Ionut Dragos Moldovan
IS6: Climate change impact on geotechnical safety and risk Emir A. Oguz, Ivan Depina
IS7: Climate change and sea-level rise uncertainties on critical geotechnical infrastructure Ning Luo, Zenon Medina-Cetina
IS8: Risk management practice in geotechnical engineering Lulu Zhang, Te Xiao
IS9: Geotechnical digital twins Limin Zhang, Hui Wang
IS10: Risk assessment of dams and levees Bryant A. Robbins, D. Vaughan Griffiths
IS11: Data-driven site characterization Zheng Guan, Yu Wang
IS12: Integrating disciplines, sampling technologies, and data science and technology methods, to improve inferences for risk-based site-characterization Zenon Medina-Cetina, Ning Luo
IS13: Advancing applied Bayesian methods in geotechnical engineering Yu Feng, Nezam Bozorgzadeh, Zijun Cao
IS14: Bayesian analysis of geotechnical data Iason Papaioannou, Zijun Cao
IS15: Probabilistic aspects in the analysis of stability of surface features on rocky planetary bodies Marcin Chwała
IS16: Risk and reliability in rock engineering Johan Spross, Jacob Grasmick, Iason Papaioannou
IS17: Risk and safety in offshore geotechnical engineering Wenjun Lu, Haoyuan Liu, Yajun Li
IS18: Modelling of geological uncertainty and its influences on geostructures Jinzhang Zhang, Chao Zhao, Wenping Gong, Dongming Zhang, Hongwei Huang
IS19: Advancements in monitoring and modeling of earth structures Mario Martinelli, Miguel Cabrera, Luca Piciullo
IS20: Innovations in sustainable and nature-based geotechnical risk management Marco Uzielli, Vittoria Capobianco
IS21: Reliability- and risk-based code developments I Gordon Fenton, Timo Schweckendiek
IS22: Reliability- and risk-based code developments II Richard Bathurst, Fei Han