The bird above shows The Great Tit (Parus major), an iconic bird in Norway, celebrated as a cheerful herald of spring and a symbol of resilience. Its vibrant yellow belly and melodic song break the long silence of winter, making it a beloved sign of renewal in Norwegian culture. Known for its intelligence and adaptability, the Great Tit thrives in Norway’s harsh winters, often seen at feeders, delighting households with its acrobatic feeding style. This small yet striking bird embodies the Norwegian spirit of harmony with nature and enduring resourcefulness in facing challenges.
Also, The Great Tit is likely the most studied bird in the world. Scientific investigations of the species began as early as 1912 in the Netherlands. The longest-running study, and the one that has probably provided the most fundamental insights, is The Wytham Tit Study conducted by the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology in Oxford, England. This research began in 1947 and is still ongoing.