9th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk
25th – 28th August 2025Welcome to ISGSR 2025
NGI, in collaboration with OsloMet, will organise the 9th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR), a successful biennial series of international conferences supported by the Geotechnical Safety Network (GEOSNet), ISSMGE Technical Committees TC304, TC205 and TC309, and ASCE Geo Institute’s Technical Committee on Risk Assessment and Management. The symposium will be held as a face-to-face event in Oslo, Norway on 25th – 28th August 2025.
The theme of ISGSR 2025 is “Geotechnical Risk Frontiers” and will feature the latest research developments and innovations in engineering practice with a focus on the use of probabilistic and risk methodologies in geotechnical engineering. ISGSR 2025 will consist of keynote lectures, technical sessions, and forums covering but not limited to the following topics:
- Geohazards such as landslides, dams and levees, tsunami, snow avalanches, earthquakes, and geoenvironmental hazards including those caused by human activity
- Digital soil and rock databases and their use in geotechnical research and practice
- Probabilistic site characterization
- Modelling of spatial variability and effects on geotechnical design
- Reliability- and risk-based code developments
- Uncertainty quantification for geotechnical properties, models and testing methods
- Bayesian statistical methods and their applications in geotechnical engineering
- Machine Learning algorithms and their applications in geotechnical engineering
- Best practices of hazard and risk assessment in offshore projects
- Risk management and mitigation measures in all fields of geoengineering
- Structural health monitoring and digital twinning
- Practical applications and case studies
We would like to cordially invite you to be actively involved in the ISGSR 2025.